Slow Cooker Three Bean Chilli

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When I think of big meals with big savings, my mind usually thinks of the humble bean. So filling, and so cheap when you buy them dry. And is anything better at the end of a cold day than a warm and hearty bowl of chilli?

Personally, I love mixing up the texture by combining three different beans. Big on flavor, and small on price, this chilli is well worth the effort!

This recipe uses a slow cooker. We have two – we really love those leftovers, and double this recipe to give us meals for the whole week! You’ll need a 6QT or bigger. Check out these if you are in the market!

Tempted to try the corn bread by this bowl? Click here for the recipe!

Smothered Stuffed Shells

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Though this recipe is not exactly traditional, I am nothing if a little extra.

The first meal I shared with my future-in-laws and family after mine and Lexi’s engagement, I made some homemade stuffed shells. So whenever I make stuffed shells I feel especially nostalgic and romantic.

When we were taking the pictures for this recipe, Alexis called these “the sloppy joe’s of Italian food”. Even though they aren’t the prettiest, they are so cheesy and delicious you can’t help but dig in!

We love using our non-stick lasagna pan. Its wider and longer than the 9×13 glass pan we used to do, meaning more food. We got ours at Ross for a killer deal, but this one on Amazon is a great buy!

Don’t forget your green side salad and garlic bread!

New England Clam Chowder

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Soup is our go to when the weather gets cold. Its usually pretty budget friendly, filling, and its nice to wrap your hands around a big mug of soup while you sit on the couch and watch the snow fall outside your window.

This soup is more of a splurge. We love it, but only have it on rare occasion. Why?

  1. Its spendy.
  2. Its labor intensive.
  3. We don’t want to spoil ourselves because its soooooooooooo delicious!

I cut the cost a bit by harnessing the inner Hunter-Gatherer in myself whenever I make a trip out to Oregon to visit my family. My dad and I hit the coast and go clamming every morning. A little effort, some time, and I come home with pounds and pounds of frozen clams that my family and I eat throughout the years.

We doubled this recipe recently and brought it to my wife’s sides monthly Family Home Evening dinner. It was a huge hit! Not to mention we had plenty for everyone plus leftovers – that’s 9 adults, 1 tween, 2 toddlers AND leftovers. You’ll need a pretty big pot to fit all that delicious flavor in – might I suggest this one?

I would also suggest reading the WHOLE RECIPE before preparing. Like everything good in this world, this soup does not come easy. It can be messed up pretty easily, and we wouldn’t want that!

Polska Pasta Salad

Need the perfect side for your next family party? This pasta salad is sure to please with its tangy touch of pickle paired with spicy Polish kielbasa sausage.

I’ve been eating this family recipe for as long as I can remember. It makes me remember warm summer nights paired with my dad’s barbecue chicken.

Its easy enough, anyone can make it! And we have most of the ingredients on hand.

Pepper Jack Jalapeno Bread

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If you are like me, sometimes Cheddar Jalapeno bread is just not spicy enough. So I did a little experiment and added pepper jack instead of cheddar to my bread recipe.

And voila!

A spicy jalapeno bread with plenty of extra bite.

Cheddar Jalapeno Bread

Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Need a spicy twist to your homemade bread routine?

This loaf with its large chunks of jalapeno and cooling cheese is perfect toasted with some cream cheese or to spice up a sandwich.

Extreme Cheese Lasagna

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Now, I don’t throw the word “extreme” around lightly. So when I tell you this lasagna is extremely cheesy, you can take that to the bank! You may need to go to the bank, actually, and get a loan to afford all this cheese!

We don’t indulge in this lasagna very often. We look all year long for major deals and then we buy in major bulk. A local restaurant supply liquidation store we frequent recently had huge 6lb blocks of mozzarella on sale for $8 a piece! So we grabbed a couple. The next week we came back and they still had a ton, and because the sell by dates were getting close they had them for…

…wait for it…

2 for $8! We grabbed as many as we could, cut them into 1 lb blocks, and bagged them up for the freezer. We’ve been slowly working through the cheese. This lasagna made a dent in our stash, but it was sooooo worth it!

Its got 4 pounds of cheese. Four pounds! It was almost hard to take out of the pan.

This traditional Italian dish is perfect for your next family get together. Big enough to feed a crowd and please them all!

Asiago Olive Oil Bread

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Nothing tastes better than hot fresh bread! And nothing can compare to this version of our Old Fashioned Italian Olive Oil Bread.

Asiago cheese is one of my favorites, and this bread was one of the first things I made to add to the blog. Fluffy insides and a crispy crust pair well with the bite of the Asiago cheese mixed throughout.

Want something more classic? Try our original recipe, or spice it up with our Pepper Jack or Cheddar Jalapeno breads!

Old Fashioned Italian Olive Oil Bread

Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

What is your soup missing? What would go great with that salad? Got some extra jam or butter laying around and you aren’t sure what to do with it?

You know what you need?


Delicious fluffy carbs, wrapped in a scintillatingly crispy crust. And everyone knows bread tastes best when it comes fresh from your oven.

Nothing makes the house smell better than fresh bread, and nothing feels better in your hand on a cold day than a steamy chunk of bread slathered in delicious butter and honey!

The recipe I bring to you today is a classic. Italians are known for their pasta, but they make a wicked Olive Oil bread as well. This salty sourdough-like bread is perfect paired with our old fashioned spaghetti or made into delicious garlic bread to pair with an indulgent lasagna!

A little effort is required, but the end result is well worth it!

Try out our Asiago bread for a cheesy twist on this classic recipe or spice it up with our Pepper Jack or Cheddar Jalapeno loaves!

All About Us!

Hey there! My name is James!

Welcome to Cason Cooks!

A little about myself – I am a father, a bread winner, a strong member of my faith, and an avid video game enthusiast.

And I. Love. To. COOK!

I have been cooking for as long as I can remember. My dad started me out on toast and dish duty. We had what we needed as I grew up, but never a whole lot. It didn’t help that I was a student athlete and could eat a pound of pasta on my own outside of what the rest of the family ate. So I learned early on how to make delicious and wholesome food on a tight budget.

I’ve been married now for a little over 6 years. My sweet wife and I have an adorable toddler named Tim. We’ve been blessed with the least picky eater in the world. He always tries stuff at least once, and is always begging to eat my spicy chips or new veggies.There is very little he won’t eat – which is good because he is a little garbage disposal! He is always eating. We know we are lucky to have such an easy going kid, and we are hoping against hope all of our children eat like him

I’m sure you are wondering what lead me to blogging. Cooking has always been a passion of mine. My favorite times are when I get to plan a menu for an event and go over the top to feed our guests. I’ve always received compliments at work when I bring enough to share. Another passion of mine is helping others. I know from lots of personal experience how to eat on a budget and I want to share that knowledge with others.

So I am writing a blog for people like me and my family. People who have little to work with but don’t want to eat bland boring food night after night. People who like to know where their food comes from and be able to pronounce all of the ingredients. People who like making things the old fashioned way.

I promise to only show you recipes I know and love. I promise to keep my posts short and my food delicious. Be prepared for more than just recipes, as I will be posting cooking techniques I’ve learned, products I love, and other helpful kitchen tips and hacks I come across.

Something that makes us unique is how this blog will come about. Though I love to cook new and interesting food, I am not so great with expressing my thoughts and feelings. That is where my wife Lexi comes in. She is quite the word smith, and is such a blessing to me. So though the words behind what you read will be my own, she will be ghost writing everything for me. She is so amazing, sweet, beautiful, helpful, wonderful, hard working and all around perfect. { 😉 } Without her this blog would not be what it is today.

So welcome! I hope we can bring you some joy in your kitchen and your day with the simple offering I bring. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our mailing list so you can keep up do date with our newest recipes and tips!