Our Plan for COVID-19

I know, you are all probably sick of hearing about it! You can’t look at your phone without seeing updates about the Corona virus.

We just wanted to let you all know we are all thinking of all of you. We hope you and your families are safe and well.

For the time being, due to an excess of stress and a lack of variety in the grocery department, we will not be posting as regularly as we used to. We hope to get back up and on schedule soon!

For now, please keep safe and think of those around you! Be sure to:

Wash your hands regularly!

Cough into your elbow!

Don’t touch your face!

Avoid large gatherings and stay at least 6 feet away from anyone in public

Stay home if you can!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and pray this passes by soon!

Always yours,

The Cason Family

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