White Meat Burgers

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Grilling is one of my favorite things – being out in the open air with the smell of food wafting around you while your family hangs out in the shade nearby (I live with a couple of vampires). There are not many things better.

What is not great is when you have to pay high hamburger prices to make up delicious juicy burgers – not to mention red meat is not exactly the best for you. Our family usually doesn’t buy hamburger, and have actually lost a lot of our taste for it. (Don’t get me wrong, we still love a good burger!) So when I grill, I mix it up by grinding our own burger and making it out of a combination of pork and chicken.

These burgers come with all the hearty, juicy flavor you expect from a burger without making you feel heavy. Not to mention its much easier on the wallet.

We recently made this for a family party and everyone loved them! Even though they are half pound burgers(!), almost everyone had a second one.

We grind our own meat, but you can always get ground meat from the grocery store. We do highly recommend grinding your own meat. You can save a lot of money and the grind is always fresh!

Strawberry Summer Salad

Summer time is the perfect time to fill up your plate with a healthy hearty salad! My wife loves to smother hers in ranch, but I like something a little lighter.

I’ve been experimenting with vinaigrettes lately, and I love how this Blackberry Vinaigrette ended up. I knew I had to make a salad to fit it. This one turned out so beautifully! My wife was swooning over how easy it was to make this look good with its pop of vibrant colors against the dark green of the spinach.

I mean just look at it!

Eating this salad as a side or on its own will make you feel healthy without sacrificing taste!

Next week we’re publishing our first subscriber suggestion post! What recipes do you want to see on our site? Please submit all requests through the form on the bottom of this page and we’d love to write a post about them! (While you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe! )

Blackberry Vinaigrette

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I grew up on the Oregon coast, where green forests meet the wide Pacific Ocean. A big memory of mine growing up in this woodland paradise is going out with my big sisters and picking blackberries. The bushes were EVERYWHERE! They grow like weeds out there and if the bush was on public land it was up for grabs. We had to watch out for spiders, but we’d come home with buckets of berries. I’ve always loved them!

I’ve been experimenting with salad dressings lately, and this one has taken the cake! I found a similar recipe online but it didn’t seem quite right. So I added my own twist to it. I was not disappointed! Its tangy with just the right hint of sweet that pairs perfectly with spinach (like a salad we made over the weekend, link coming soon!) and other dark greens!

Want another berry style dressing? Try out this Strawberry Vinaigrette over a summer salad!

Next week we’re publishing our first subscriber suggestion post! What recipes do you want to see on our site? Please submit all requests through the form on the bottom of this page and we’d love to write a post about them! (While you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe! )

Peach Cobbler

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Summer time brings barbecues, warm nights, and delicious fruits and veggies in season! One of our family’s favorites are peaches. And nothing says summer like warm peach cobbler topped with creamy vanilla ice cream!

Though cobbler is best with fresh peaches, peeling and simmering them takes a lot of time. We found this delicious recipe that uses canned peaches that is so easy! We brought it as dessert to a family night and everyone loved how buttery it is. Someone in Lexi’s family even scraped the pan before we left to get every last bit.

Not in charge of dessert for the barbecue? We’ve got you covered if you need to bring the main dish or the salad!

As fruits and veggies come into season, what is your summer favorite?

Comment below!

Summer Spinach Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette

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Its time for us to get on the lighter side of things. We’ve been eating a lot of meat, pasta, and potatoes, and boy are we starting to feel it!

(Not that those things are unhealthy on their own. Moderation in all things!)

Though I am not always a fan of cooked spinach, its one of my favorite veggies when it is raw. I love green fruit smoothies, and my favorite salads are chock full of it.

These are one of those. This salad can seem overly simple – but it has the best qualities of a good salad! Its tangy, has a bite of salt, savory greens and a sweet pop with berries. What ties it all together is the smooth vinaigrette that’s perfect for summer!

It goes together so easily! Especially when you use a good blender like our Ninja to make the vinaigrette.

This would be a great side for our ravioli, or served at your next barbecue with our grilled chicken!

What is your favorite type of salad? Comment below and we may feature you in our next post!!

Grilled Chicken

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Growing up, my dad barbecued rain or shine, winter or summer. Its one of my favorite ways to cook, and since he moved away I haven’t had much of a chance to.

That was until this week when I finally had saved up enough to get my very own grill! (Review of that grill coming soon!) The stars aligned and we got chicken quarters for $0.25 a pound!! So I cooked them up on by new grill and instantly felt closer to my dad.

You can use your favorite BBQ sauce! We personally love Kraft’s sauces, especially Hickory and Mesquite. This time we used Hickory.

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss our upcoming recipes! Its summer time, so we’ll be grilling until we’re sick of it!