Eating Salads on a Budget (with Spinach Apple Salad recipe!)

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A simple way we try and keep our family healthy while making our food last as long as possible (read: less money spent on food!) is pairing foods with a great salad!

When we had our pizza night the other day, we paired those delicious slices of carb filled glory with this tart and savory salad!

We splurged a little on candied walnuts, and found the feta in bulk on sale at a discount store that sells excess products that restaurants didn’t end up needing.

Eating healthier doesn’t always have to break the bank. Here are our tips for eating salads on a tight budget!

Eat produce that is in season

When you eat produce that is in season, you’ll have fresher, better tasting salads that cost you less! If you garden this can get even cheaper! Not to mention, nothing tastes better than a warm tomato that was on the vine less than 5 minutes ago!

Not sure what is in season? Check out a list here.

Make it yourself

Sure, grabbing those bag salads as you walk through the produce section is easy and convenient. You tear open the bag a few minutes before you’re ready to eat, throw everything in a bowl (or not – sometimes we get lazy) and boom! You’re done.

However, those salads cost way more than the sum of their parts! You are trading convenience for cost. You also usually don’t know everything that goes in the dressings. If you like to keep your costs down and know what is going in your body, you’ll need to take a little extra time and make your own salads.

Buy some ingredients in bulk

Obviously, unless you have a very big family, you can’t buy some produce in bulk and eat it all before it goes bad. You can, however, buy some of your favorite salad mix ins and keep them on hand for when things go on sale.

If you know you love tortilla strips or chia seeds, buy them in bulk! Then you’ll always have them ready to go when your produce is in season or on sale!

Watch for deals and utilize them

I mentioned before that we bought feta cheese on sale. It was a HUGE 15 lb restaurant supply tub. Feta is typically a cheese we feel is out of the budget, but this tub was less than $0.60 a pound! We took it home, crumbled it, divided it into 1 lb bags, and froze them. Now, if we know we’re going to need feta we thaw a bag overnight, and use it up before it goes bad. We then can be on the lookout when we hit the store for things that pair well with feta.

If you watch for amazing deals and take advantage, you’ll cut your costs in the future.

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Anyone can consistently eat salad when they follow the above tips. Next time you’re planning your menu, keep them in mind!

Now without further ado, our yummy Spinach Apple Salad!

What is your favorite salad mix in? Do you buy it in bulk? Share your favorite salad making tips and tricks in the comments below!

Loaded Italian Pasta Salad

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When I think of summer, I think of barbecue, fresh produce, and delicious sides! Pasta salads can be a good way to balance rich flavors and taste with a tight budget.

This one is loaded with savory zest and classic Italian flavors. Its also super easy to throw together! If you use the olive oil listed in the recipe, this definitely falls into our “Splurge” category, but you can substitute other oils – though the flavor won’t be as rich.

Great to keep on hand or bring to your next potluck, we can’t rave about this pasta salad enough!

What is your favorite summer pasta salad? Let us know in the comments!

Dying to know how to make something? Send in a recipe suggestion and we’d love to make it for you!

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Seafood Salad

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As summer wears on and the days get hotter, we were looking for more ways to keep full without having to heat too many things up in the kitchen. Not to mention for the latest family party the theme my mother-in-law picked salads. So we found this delicious pasta salad chock full of savory silky sauce, krab, and shrimp!

This is a great salad to keep on hand. You can keep it in the fridge and eat it as a side or on its own. You only need to boil pasta – the rest is just mixing! Easy and you don’t have to heat up the house!

Tried this recipe? Let us know in the comments!

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Crispy Chicken Taco Salad

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Mark this down as one of my biggest kitchen wins!

Taco salad is a staple in our house. Its easy to throw together and relatively cheap. You can customize it to fit your tastes and if you’re missing an ingredient or two its not the end of the world.

However, this week we made one of my wife’s new favorites. We’ve combined crispy, zesty fried chicken with our traditional taco salad mix ins. Add a bit of our Tomatillo Salad Dressing on top and BOOM! This hearty salad keeps you full for hours without making you feel heavy.

The secret to the extra crunchy chicken is crushed cornflakes. This is the first time I’ve breaded anything with them, and I must admit I liked it more than I thought. You can’t taste the cornflakes and it gives them an extra crispy texture we all love!

Made this recipe and loved it as much as we did? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

Tomatillo Salad Dressing

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Our first subscriber request! This one goes out to you CL!

This copy cat dressing from one of America’s favorite Mexican restaurants is to DIE FOR! Its smooth, tangy, savory, and light – meaning you can smother your salad in it and not feel guilty.

Its an easy dump and blend recipe. Anyone can do it! Especially when you have the power of a Ninja blender to back you up.

You’ll need to start with a ranch dressing base. You can either make your own, or use the store bought stuff. I HIGHLY recommend the homemade kind. It has a stronger, fresher flavor, and free of chemicals and preservatives the stuff from the store has.

This week we’re going to try this on a Crispy Chicken Taco salad. I will link it as soon as we’ve tried it out!

Thanks again to our subscriber for suggesting this recipe! Want to see your favorite recipe on our blog, or want to see us try something you’ve been eyeing? Drop it in our suggestion box at the bottom of the page!

Strawberry Summer Salad

Summer time is the perfect time to fill up your plate with a healthy hearty salad! My wife loves to smother hers in ranch, but I like something a little lighter.

I’ve been experimenting with vinaigrettes lately, and I love how this Blackberry Vinaigrette ended up. I knew I had to make a salad to fit it. This one turned out so beautifully! My wife was swooning over how easy it was to make this look good with its pop of vibrant colors against the dark green of the spinach.

I mean just look at it!

Eating this salad as a side or on its own will make you feel healthy without sacrificing taste!

Next week we’re publishing our first subscriber suggestion post! What recipes do you want to see on our site? Please submit all requests through the form on the bottom of this page and we’d love to write a post about them! (While you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe! )

Blackberry Vinaigrette

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I grew up on the Oregon coast, where green forests meet the wide Pacific Ocean. A big memory of mine growing up in this woodland paradise is going out with my big sisters and picking blackberries. The bushes were EVERYWHERE! They grow like weeds out there and if the bush was on public land it was up for grabs. We had to watch out for spiders, but we’d come home with buckets of berries. I’ve always loved them!

I’ve been experimenting with salad dressings lately, and this one has taken the cake! I found a similar recipe online but it didn’t seem quite right. So I added my own twist to it. I was not disappointed! Its tangy with just the right hint of sweet that pairs perfectly with spinach (like a salad we made over the weekend, link coming soon!) and other dark greens!

Want another berry style dressing? Try out this Strawberry Vinaigrette over a summer salad!

Next week we’re publishing our first subscriber suggestion post! What recipes do you want to see on our site? Please submit all requests through the form on the bottom of this page and we’d love to write a post about them! (While you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe! )

Summer Spinach Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette

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Its time for us to get on the lighter side of things. We’ve been eating a lot of meat, pasta, and potatoes, and boy are we starting to feel it!

(Not that those things are unhealthy on their own. Moderation in all things!)

Though I am not always a fan of cooked spinach, its one of my favorite veggies when it is raw. I love green fruit smoothies, and my favorite salads are chock full of it.

These are one of those. This salad can seem overly simple – but it has the best qualities of a good salad! Its tangy, has a bite of salt, savory greens and a sweet pop with berries. What ties it all together is the smooth vinaigrette that’s perfect for summer!

It goes together so easily! Especially when you use a good blender like our Ninja to make the vinaigrette.

This would be a great side for our ravioli, or served at your next barbecue with our grilled chicken!

What is your favorite type of salad? Comment below and we may feature you in our next post!!

Polska Pasta Salad

Need the perfect side for your next family party? This pasta salad is sure to please with its tangy touch of pickle paired with spicy Polish kielbasa sausage.

I’ve been eating this family recipe for as long as I can remember. It makes me remember warm summer nights paired with my dad’s barbecue chicken.

Its easy enough, anyone can make it! And we have most of the ingredients on hand.