Light Tuna Pasta

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Last week we shared our love for our latest discovery – Soy n’ Sesame Tuna! One way we used it was topping a light pasta dish that is a little more high brow than we usually serve.

This ain’t your mama’s tuna noodle casserole!

It’s easy to toss together, super customizable, and our little four year old loved it! He even dared try the “new olives”, though he didn’t like the capers. I am so proud of him and his adventurous eating habits !

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What is your favorite way to use tuna? Let us know in the comments below!

Tuscan Butter Shrimp Pasta

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Sunday was our Seventh Anniversary! Traditionally on special occasions I like to make my sweet wife something special. Lately I’ve been trying new dishes (a gamble, to say the least!) but the last few have worked out perfectly!

This year’s installment was a creamy pasta dish filled with shrimp and delicious veggies!

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She absolutely loved it! This one has definitely been added to my list of recipes to make whenever I want to spoil her.

What is your favorite pasta dish to splurge on? Let us know in the comments!

White Chicken Pizza

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Happy Labor Day everyone!!

I hope the last long weekend of summer gave you lots of laughter and fun, and that you’re ready to face the work week again.

If not, may we suggest having a pizza night to brighten the mood?!

We already posted about our killer Hawaiian Chicken Pizza. If you crave more than one flavor (or if you disagree with us on our stance that pineapple definitely belongs on pizza), then today’s recipe will be right up your alley!

Creamy white Alfredo-esque sauce paired with slightly crispy grilled chicken makes this simple pizza staple an instant classic! Pair it with our homemade crispy crust and you’ll find yourself craving this pizza again and again!

Of course you can purchase pre-made dough for this recipe, but we believe making it yourself makes all the difference in texture and taste!

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What is your favorite pizza topping? Leave it in the comments below!

Hawaiian Chicken Pizza

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Pizza night!

I love whipping up a ton of pizza dough and going to town with my family, making a bunch of new flavors each time!

I have been ruined for store bought dough. The one I make is super simple, and is crispy (which my wife loves) but not too thin. Topping it with cheeses and other toppings I grab on sale makes it a simple meal with lots of leftovers. Pair it with a salad, and you’ve got a complete meal!

We’ll be having a bunch of flavors coming out over the next little while, but today’s may continue a debate that has the internet on fire…

Does pineapple go on pizza?!

We say yes… (be sure to subscribe if you agree!)

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We added chicken and onion to this classic Hawaiian pizza to make it our own, and we were so surprised by how much of a difference it made! So yummy!!

What is your favorite type of pizza? We have a ton of new recipes coming soon, but we’d love to hear your suggestions!

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Loaded Italian Pasta Salad

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When I think of summer, I think of barbecue, fresh produce, and delicious sides! Pasta salads can be a good way to balance rich flavors and taste with a tight budget.

This one is loaded with savory zest and classic Italian flavors. Its also super easy to throw together! If you use the olive oil listed in the recipe, this definitely falls into our “Splurge” category, but you can substitute other oils – though the flavor won’t be as rich.

Great to keep on hand or bring to your next potluck, we can’t rave about this pasta salad enough!

What is your favorite summer pasta salad? Let us know in the comments!

Dying to know how to make something? Send in a recipe suggestion and we’d love to make it for you!

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Sausage and Cheese Baked Ravioli

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I can never have enough Italian food! Its by far my favorite food “genre”. Bright acidic tomatoes paired with cheese and pasta – you can’t go wrong!

These ravioli are the perfect classic. Baked to perfection and smothered in red sauce, you and your family will not be able to resist! Don’t plan on there being any leftovers…

Don’t feel like cutting your own ravioli? We found this nifty ravioli stamp set that we’ve added to our wish list for Christmas!

Ravioli Stamp Set,MASTER FENG Ravioli Maker Cutter Stamp, Mold with Wooden Handle and Fluted Edge

Old Fashioned Spaghetti

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Spaghetti is my favorite food! I ate it by the pound when I was an athlete in high school. I love how versatile it can be. You can go as simple as a jar from the store (not my favorite, but its something) to this recipe here.

Although its hearty and has a variety of textures and tastes, this spaghetti is surprisingly cheap. You can go even cheaper by leaving out the meat!

I recently started making my own pasta, and this recipe includes one for spaghetti noodles! Definitely worth the effort if you have a little extra time!

Air Fried Cheesy Spinach Ravioli

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My family are all big spinach fans! In salad, stewed, mixed with artichokes and cream cheese – you really can’t go wrong with this healthy and versatile veggie!

I recently started making my own ravioli, and wanted to mix it up a bit. I know what you are thinking – Spinach Ravioli has been done before. Not like this though.

I changed it up by keeping the spinach out of the filling – I put it in the dough!

Even our little guy, who is starting to question green foods we put on his plate, scarfed his down and begged for more!

Making them in the air fryer makes them healthier and faster! We love our Crux – we got it as a Christmas present from Lexi’s parents and we’ve used it so much! Here it is, and some other things you’ll need for this recipe.

They are delicious on their own, but you can easily pair them with more garlic butter or an alfredo sauce!

Smothered Stuffed Shells

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Though this recipe is not exactly traditional, I am nothing if a little extra.

The first meal I shared with my future-in-laws and family after mine and Lexi’s engagement, I made some homemade stuffed shells. So whenever I make stuffed shells I feel especially nostalgic and romantic.

When we were taking the pictures for this recipe, Alexis called these “the sloppy joe’s of Italian food”. Even though they aren’t the prettiest, they are so cheesy and delicious you can’t help but dig in!

We love using our non-stick lasagna pan. Its wider and longer than the 9×13 glass pan we used to do, meaning more food. We got ours at Ross for a killer deal, but this one on Amazon is a great buy!

Don’t forget your green side salad and garlic bread!

Extreme Cheese Lasagna

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Now, I don’t throw the word “extreme” around lightly. So when I tell you this lasagna is extremely cheesy, you can take that to the bank! You may need to go to the bank, actually, and get a loan to afford all this cheese!

We don’t indulge in this lasagna very often. We look all year long for major deals and then we buy in major bulk. A local restaurant supply liquidation store we frequent recently had huge 6lb blocks of mozzarella on sale for $8 a piece! So we grabbed a couple. The next week we came back and they still had a ton, and because the sell by dates were getting close they had them for…

…wait for it…

2 for $8! We grabbed as many as we could, cut them into 1 lb blocks, and bagged them up for the freezer. We’ve been slowly working through the cheese. This lasagna made a dent in our stash, but it was sooooo worth it!

Its got 4 pounds of cheese. Four pounds! It was almost hard to take out of the pan.

This traditional Italian dish is perfect for your next family get together. Big enough to feed a crowd and please them all!